Para finalizar la integración añadiremos un mando TRÅDFRI Remote control para controlar ambas tiras y sus funciones

Estas serán las automatizaciones ligadas a cada uno de los botones del mando
########################################### #### Mando Ikea kuces navidad ########################################### ########################################### ## dim up/down arbol ########################################### - id: ikea_controller_dim_up_luces_navidad alias: Ikea controller dim up oriol luces navidad trigger: platform: state entity_id: sensor.ikea_mando_luces_navidad_evento to: brightness_up_click action: - service: input_select.select_next entity_id: input_select.wled_effect_arbol - data_template: topic: "wled/arbol/api" payload: 'FX={{ states(''input_select.wled_effect_arbol'')[:3] }}' service: mqtt.publish - id: ikea_controller_dim_down_luces_navidad alias: Ikea controller dim down luces navidad trigger: platform: state entity_id: sensor.ikea_mando_luces_navidad_evento to: brightness_down_click action: - service: input_select.select_next entity_id: input_select.wled_palette_arbol - data_template: topic: "wled/arbol/api" payload: 'FP={{ states(''input_select.wled_palette_arbol'')[:2] }}' service: mqtt.publish ################### ## Toggle ################### - id: ikea_controller_toggle_luces_navidad alias: Ikea Controller - Toggle luces navidad trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.ikea_mando_luces_navidad_evento to: "toggle" condition: action: - service: light.toggle data: entity_id: light.wled_arbol - service: light.toggle data: entity_id: light.wled_balcon ########################################### ## warm up/down balcon ########################################### - id: ikea_controller_warm_up_luces_navidad alias: Ikea controller warm up luces navidad trigger: platform: state entity_id: sensor.ikea_mando_luces_navidad_evento to: arrow_right_click action: - service: input_select.select_next entity_id: input_select.wled_effect_balcon - data_template: topic: "wled/balcon/api" payload: 'FX={{ states(''input_select.wled_effect_balcon'')[:3] }}' service: mqtt.publish - id: ikea_controller_warm_down_luces_navidad alias: Ikea controller warm down luces navidad trigger: platform: state entity_id: sensor.ikea_mando_luces_navidad_evento to: arrow_left_click action: - service: input_select.select_next entity_id: input_select.wled_palette_balcon - data_template: topic: "wled/balcon/api" payload: 'FP={{ states(''input_select.wled_palette_balcon'')[:2] }}' service: mqtt.publish
Y estas serán las automatizaciones ligadas a los input select de las paletas de colores y efectos de cada una de las tiras
########################################### - id: wled_arbol_seleccionar_paleta alias: wled_arbol_seleccionar_paleta initial_state: 'on' trigger: - entity_id: input_select.wled_palette_arbol platform: state condition: [] action: - data_template: topic: "wled/arbol/api" payload: 'FP={{ states(''input_select.wled_palette_arbol'')[:2] }}' service: mqtt.publish - id: wled_arbol_seleccionar_efecto alias: wled_arbol_seleccionar_efecto initial_state: 'on' trigger: - entity_id: input_select.wled_effect_arbol platform: state condition: [] action: - data_template: topic: "wled/arbol/api" payload: 'FX={{ states(''input_select.wled_effect_arbol'')[:3] }}' service: mqtt.publish ###########################################3 - id: wled_balcon_seleccionar_paleta alias: wled_balcon_seleccionar_paleta initial_state: 'on' trigger: - entity_id: input_select.wled_palette_balcon platform: state condition: [] action: - data_template: topic: "wled/balcon/api" payload: 'FP={{ states(''input_select.wled_palette_balcon'')[:2] }}' service: mqtt.publish - id: wled_balcon_seleccionar_efecto alias: wled_balcon_seleccionar_efecto initial_state: 'on' trigger: - entity_id: input_select.wled_effect_balcon platform: state condition: [] action: - data_template: topic: "wled/balcon/api" payload: 'FX={{ states(''input_select.wled_effect_balcon'')[:3] }}' service: mqtt.publish
Añadiremos toda la parte grafica en nuestro panel , debería parecerse a esto
title: Navidad icon: mdi:pine-tree cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: picture-glance # title: Arbol navidad entities: - light.wled_arbol state_image: "on": /local/navidad/arbol_5_on.png "off": /local/navidad/arbol_5_off.png entity: light.wled_arbol tap_action: action: toggle - type: conditional conditions: - entity: light.wled_arbol state: "on" card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 5% url: - type: entities title: Temporizadores arbol show_name: false show_state: false show_header_toggle: false # columns: 3 entities: - input_number.slider_inicio_encendido_wled_arbol - input_number.slider_inicio_apagado_wled_arbol - sensor.luces_wled_arbol_encendido - type: divider - input_select.wled_palette_arbol - type: divider - input_select.wled_effect_arbol - type: divider - input_boolean.input_temporizador_wled_arbol - input_boolean.input_aleatorio_wled_arbol - type: divider - sensor.ikea_mando_luces_navidad_evento - type: entities title: wled arbol show_name: true show_state: false show_header_toggle: false # columns: 3 entities: - select.wled_preset - type: divider - light.wled_arbol - type: divider - number.wled_intensity - number.wled_speed - switch.wled_reverse - switch.wled_sync_receive - switch.wled_sync_send - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: picture-glance # title: Luces exteriores entities: - light.wled_balcon state_image: "on": /local/navidad/balcon_6_on.png "off": /local/navidad/balcon_6_off.png entity: light.wled_balcon tap_action: action: toggle - type: conditional conditions: - entity: light.wled_balcon state: "on" card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 5% url: - type: entities title: Temporizadores balcon show_name: false show_state: false show_header_toggle: false # columns: 3 entities: - input_number.slider_inicio_encendido_wled_balcon - input_number.slider_inicio_apagado_wled_balcon - sensor.luces_wled_balcon_encendido - type: divider - input_select.wled_palette_balcon - type: divider - input_select.wled_effect_balcon - type: divider - input_boolean.input_temporizador_wled_balcon - input_boolean.input_aleatorio_wled_balcon - type: divider - sensor.ikea_mando_luces_navidad_evento - type: entities title: wled balcon show_name: true show_state: false show_header_toggle: false # columns: 3 entities: - select.wled_preset - type: divider - light.wled_balcon - type: divider - number.wled_balcon_intensity - number.wled_balcon_speed - switch.wled_balcon_reverse - switch.wled_balcon_sync_receive - switch.wled_balcon_sync_send - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Washing Machine secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '113' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Two Dots secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '050' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Twinklefox secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '080' icon_color: green - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Tri Fade secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '056' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Sweep secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '006' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Stream secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '039' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Sinelon secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '092' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Sinelon Rainbow secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '094' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Solid Pattern secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '083' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Running secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '015' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Sine secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '108' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Sinelon Dual secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '093' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Phased Noise secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '109' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Popcorn secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '095' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Railway secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '078' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Meteor secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '076' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Noise 3 secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '072' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Phased secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '105' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Fireworks 1D secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '090' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Glitter secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '087' icon_color: green - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: light.wled_arbol name: Lighthouse secondary_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.pasar_efecto_a_wled data: efecto: '041' icon_color: green
Hemos añadido una serie de mushroom-entity-card que al hacer tap llaman al script de abajo , pasando como variable el numero de efecto.
pasar_efecto_a_wled: alias: pasar efecto a tiras wled fields: efecto: description: "Efecto a enviar" example: "050" sequence: - data_template: topic: "wled/arbol/api" payload: 'FX={{ efecto }}' service: mqtt.publish - data_template: topic: "wled/balcon/api" payload: 'FX={{ efecto }}' service: mqtt.publish
Y este seria el resultado final de nuestro panel

Y con esto y un bozcocho ……..
Bonus : Segmentos y guardado de presets , los segmentos no se guardan por defecto , en cada reinicio los perderíamos , para ello lo que tenemos que hacer es crear un preset con nuestros segments , asignarle un numero , por ejemplo el 16 e indicar que en el arranque cargue ese preset , así tendríamos de nuevo la configuración de nuestros segments funcionando.

My Segments are gone after a reboot!
Segments are non-persistant by default. If you want to load your preset at every startup, just do the following:
- Set your segments up as desired
- Go into the Favorites tab in the web UI, click the save checkbox and save the config to preset slot number
- In LED settings, set
Boot Preset
This will be improved in a future release, so that you will be able to save multiple segment configurations!